I recently came across the concept of the 'Shoshin effect 'while reading the book - 'Feel Good Productivity' by Ali Abdaal, someone I've been following for a long time. Intrigued, I dived into some research of my own. So, The 'Shoshin effect', rooted in Zen Buddhism, encourages approaching life with a 'beginner's mind'- a state of openness, eagerness, and lack of preconceptions. It involves viewing situations and experiences as if encountering them for the first time, without the bias of past experiences or knowledge. This mindset enables individuals to be receptive to new ideas, learning, and innovation.
What struck me about this concept is its simplicity and effectiveness. When we approach a situation with no preconceived experiences, we don't get bogged down by thoughts of how, what, when, or why. Instead, we tackle it with our current mindset, brimming with confidence. We're not overwhelmed by how to approach it or by its result. It's more like a child's approach—children never know what's coming for them, but they approach new situations with ease and without much concern. They're open to giving themselves another chance to redo whatever it is, which helps them gain new experiences and deal with situations in a different way.
So now the question is how can we implement this beginners mindset in our journey to betterment?
The answer to this is simply approaching each situation with a childlike curiosity and openness to experimentation. Lets say, if you are in the cooking business, instead of sticking to the same old recipes, one can experiment with different ingredients and cooking techniques to create unique dishes that reflect their personal style and passion for cooking. This approach can lead to the discovery of new flavors and culinary innovations that set them apart as a cook. Similarly, if you're a writer, photographer, or musician, adopting a beginner's mindset means exploring new ways to express yourself in your craft. It could involve trying out different writing styles, experimenting with new photography techniques, or exploring new musical genres. Collaboration can also be a powerful way to embrace a beginner's mindset. By working with others without preconceived notions of what will work or not, you open yourself up to new ideas and creative possibilities.
Like its mentioned in the book Ali Abdaal says, "By letting go of the idea that we know everything, or somehow should, we actually feel more powerful". This approach is something we should all adapt in our lives. 'The Shoshin effect 'emphasizes a beginner's mindset that can lead us to personal growth and offer new perspectives on life.
Would you adapt The Shoshin effect in your lives? Do comment and let me know what is your take on this.